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Transference Healing Workshops & Training
Gold Coast, Australia

Would you like to learn how to run Transference Healing® to support yourself and loved ones?

Start your journey of self empowerment and healing here. Anyone can learn how to run frequency healing for themselves.

Initiate a process of deep healing...create newfound levels of wellness and health...go within to find universal answers and gain a higher perspective on life.


Frequency healing workshops are held locally on the Gold Coast, Queensland.

Changes & Upgrades when you sit a Workshop

Sitting a workshop is truly a life-changing experience.


A number of important changes and experiences will occur for you, including:


  • experiencing the pure frequencies of Transference Healing as you sit in a sacred, templated space;

  • going through an upgrade, purification and detox in body & consciousness as the higher frequencies of Light are encoded into you through each workshop. Healing and shifting of physical, emotional, mental and Lightbody symptoms can occur at this time, and in the weeks following the workshop;

  • expanding your consciousness as the wisdom of the teachings is encoded through heart-based awareness;

  • learning how to create a sacred space and lift the frequency of your home environment, or healing space, so that you can begin to template Light into you home and yourself;

  • learning how to open yourself to support from the Spiritual Realms and receive their healing support and wisdom.

Click below to find out more about each Workshop

Benefits of Attending a Workshop/Training

Imagine having a powerful set of tools and procedures, that you could call upon at any time, to help you self-master moment to moment in your life.


Imagine being able to lift your frequency, emotional state and balance your energy field each and every day, with frequency healing procedures that are effective and empowering.

Transference Healing workshops were created to help you awaken spiritual and psychic gifts and talents, tap into healing resources of the Universe, God/Goddess and Nature, and reconnect you to the Light.


By attending any of the 1 day workshops, or profound 3 day Fundamental Training, you are connecting to a pure and powerful lineage of spiritual empowerment and healing, that is supported by the Spiritual Hierarchy (Archangelic & Angelic Kingdoms, Ascended Masters, Elemental & Mythical Realms & more).


Know that if you feel the call to sit any of the Transference Healing workshops, that you are being initiated by your Higher Self to more rapidly awaken, self-heal and self-master. A truly special gift to bestow upon yourself!

Click link above for important information about booking policy, cancellation and the energetic preparation processs when you book in for a Transference Healing Workshop or Training.

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