Healing Sessions

Awaken your highest potentials & self-healing abilities
By working with me in your healing journey, you are supported to clear the depths of self that has kept you from expressing your true spiritual, earthly and human potential.
Embrace your spiritual gifts and the unseen worlds as you remember the infinite Divine Being of Light that you truly are.
Healing Gold Coast
I offer in-person healing sessions from my sacred space right by the beach on the southern end of the Gold Coast.
Distance Healing Sessions
In addition, I also offer Distance Healing sessions for those who wish to receive sessions from the comfort of their own home, or are not local to the Gold Coast. I work with clients from all over the world and Distance Healing sessions are just as effective and transformative as receiving in-person.
Transference Healing
Our Earth template and human genetic/energetic makeup is changing.
Therefore healing needs to support our new, evolving anatomy and align us with the changes occurring within the Earth and Universe.
Transference Healing is our preferred and exclusive way of supporting you. It works with alchemy, the ability to shift and upgrade physical matter and continuously evolve and align to higher frequencies of Light. It also works with the Lightbody, which is vital to anchor and perfect as we once again awaken to higher spiritual realities and have the opportunity to embrace our Higher & Divine Self.
On a more practical and simple level our busy, modern lives can quite often create built-up stress, imbalance and depletion in our energy reserves. Combined with that, humanity is going through a rapid spiritual upgrade and evolutionary process which is triggering our bodies and consciousness to heal and release old memories, emotions, cellular-based pain and trauma.
Transference Healing sessions support a deep level of clearing and release from the unseen layers and energetic levels that are often difficult to access through normal consciousness. As these deeper, hidden layers are cleared and aligned, it then allows encoding of Light, frequencies and elements from the Earth and Cosmos. This lifts us up, helps us to feel 'lighter' and more at peace within ourselves. On higher levels, it begins a process of self-mastery that helps you awaken latent and hidden gifts and talents, and to ascend through the levels of self-mastery and spiritual awakening.
Benefits of working with Andrew
- Certified Transference Healing Practitioner
Andrew brings over 19 year's healing experience, having worked with many varied healing modalities in that time.
Some of the areas you can be supported include:
empowerment of Self learning how to embrace and work with your spiritual & personal power;
helping empaths and sensitive people to feel more safe, balanced and grounded in our modern world;
awakening latent spiritual, intuitive & psychic abilities;
clearing and healing mental pain, mental issues and understand how to run your consciousness in a balanced way;
past-life clearing, integration and understanding;
clearing and healing karmic pain & karmic relationships, even twin soul aspects;
supporting the healing of physical ailments and the bigger picture around why symptoms are presenting;
healing and releasing of trauma or abuse, and restoring self-worth and inner courage;
healing emotional pain or overwhelm, and crystallising and refining the emotional body in order to evolve on a Soul level;
opening and healing the heart chakra and understanding the path of heart-mastery;
kundalini experiences, awakening and supporting this process;
chakra balancing and alignment;
having more direct experience of Spirit in your life, and feeling the bliss and unconditional love that is your birthright;
how to protect, conserve and utilise your energy field in a positive and cohesive way;
making more sense of your life and the 'why' of the bigger picture and birthing more wisdom in your day to day reality;
having a safe and unconditional space to express and be vulnerable;
spiritual, personal and emotional breakthrough to help you move forward in life, especially if feeling 'stuck';
plus so much more...

We can be impacted by Lightbody Symptoms which may not respond well to conventional treatments. Transference Healing® works on the etheric patterning of the body and also with the Lightbody (electromagnetic body). It can therefore weave the necessary frequencies, elements and Light into the body to sustain ongoing wellness and initiate profound healing on all levels.
What is unique about Transference Healing is that it doesn't just work on one level (eg emotional, or physical). Rather, it weaves through technology, prana, light and frequencies (to name a few) and brings through a truly divine and alchemical healing response within the recipient. This allows for the decoding of old pain and suppression from the body and consciousness. When we receive a healing in a state of surrender, this allows for the decoding of that which no longer serves us, making way for new, refined frequencies to birth and anchor within our being. Put simply, we encode newfound levels of health, emotional joy and stability, deeper levels of love and inner knowing.
I work with many people from all walks of life, and there is no prerequisite in order to receive a healing or learn how to run Transference Healing for yourself. This healing modality is firmly grounded in universal principals, which support the healing & co-creation of our multi-dimensional Selves here on Earth.

Further Information About Healing Appointments
Preparation & Cancellation Fees
​Booking in for a Transference Healing session can be exciting, yet daunting at the same time.
Know that as soon as you commit to a healing, that you are sending a message to Spirit that you are ready to make a positive healing shift in your life. Therefore stay open to the Universe in the lead up to the healing appointment, as people may sometimes experience, emotional release, challenging circumstances or even physical symptoms. Know that this is all perfect and is the Universe calling up energies in your life that are ready to be purified and healed.
If you have any concerns in the days prior to your appointment, please call or email me to discuss. Some people may even feel resistant to the healing appointment, and this is natural too. Just know that you are breaking through limitations and fear, and by committing to attend no matter what, you are sending a strong signal to the Universe that you are ready to make a profound and positive shift in your life.
A healing appointment is a Divine process, so consider carefully before cancelling or re-booking a session. Even if you are feeling unwell, over-whelmed etc, please try to honour the session and turn up. This in itself is a powerful healing opportunity for you.
Of course, if it's totally unavoidable, or an emergency, then that's okay to cancel. However, try to re-arrange a new healing session within 7 days, or consider receiving a distance healing. If you are unable to comply, then a cancellation fee will be incurred.
Cancellation Fees
No show, or no advance notice of cancellation given - 75% of session cost
Up to 24 hours notice - 50% of session cost
Up to 72 hours notice - 25% of session cost
Payment Options
Bank transfer (email me for details)
Cash (on the day if attending in person)
Paypal/Stripe (use the links on this website)
Debit/credit card if attending in person (we have online payment facilities)
Further Information About Distance Healings
Payment - please ensure that payment is received preferably 24 hours before the appointment time, or latest before the session starts.
Preparation - it is preferable to be in a quiet, relaxed space whilst receiving your Distance Healing. Turn your phone off, let others know that you will need some quiet, undisturbed time and be open to receiving the Divine healing frequencies. If it is unavoidable, it's okay to be going about daily tasks whilst receiving the healing, however by creating quiet time for yourself, this is sending a message to Spirit that you are open and committed to your healing journey. Please avoid driving or operating heavy machinery when receiving a healing, as you can get quite altered.
Click on the link to learn more about Distance Healings