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1 Day Dragon Power Workshop

'Dragon Power is the most profound power source held on the planet - Alexis Cartwright, Animal Magic


In this workshop, you will learn what Dragon Power is about, and how to run this procedure for yourself.


Dragons are powerful mythical beings that have been associated with wisdom, pure power, magicians, magic and knowledge.


Through the teachings of Merlin, the master magician, and the Dragons, we will delve into these teachings and ancient wisdom.

Transference Healing Dragon Power Workshop

Pricing and Training Details

This is a 1 day workshop. 

Dragon Power workshop is about empowerment, at it's core.


Throughout the day, we will delve into the teachings around Dragon Power, and also Master Merlin to discover how to use this profound source of power and healing in our lives. You will learn -

  • How Dragon Power is beneficial for those on their path of spiritual awakening;


  • Dragon Power is used to counteract negativity, projections & negativity from others and even psychic attack;


  • It enables us to 'hold our light' allowing us to stay true and maintain our power and energy reserves at times of spiritual initiation, or when there is a lot of negativity around us;


  • How it helps to build our 'power centre' and provide the resources for the body to rejuvenate and revitalise. This allows the revitalisation of not only the physical body, but also consciousness, allowing us to maintain greater levels of wellness. The dragon power procedure is great when we are feeling depleted in our energy.


  • Helps to purify the ego, so that we can eventually master 'Divine Will.' As we perfect the ego more and more, we start connecting to our Higher Selves, and this allows access to 'Divine Will' in your life.


  • Use your power in a constructive way, and understand initiations that can occur around personal empowerment.


  • Connect to Merlin, and start to access more the elemental kingdoms and understand his lineage, including his connection to Dragon Power.


  • Overcome feelings of dis-empowerment in your life


During this day, we work with the Dragon Power chapter in the 'Beyond Doorways - The Mysteries Revealed' book, by Alexis Cartwright.


(This book is optional, but highly recommended, as you can then practise the Dragon Power technique at home, along with other self-help techniques as detailed in this book. This is affectionately called the 'ascension bible' by many who have read its profound information. It details the shift into the new 5th dimensional reality and how frequency healing is so vital at this time of Earth and humanities ascension)

Merlin Transference Healing
Dragon Power Gridding Spray

During this 1 Day Workshop, you will:

  • Participate in guided meditations, to balance your energies and connect you to Master Merlin & Dragon Power;


  • Make a personal connection to your own 'Dragon' and learn how to utilise this energy in your life;


  • Participate in the powerful ritual Dragon Power procedure;


  • Learn how to create more empowerment, wellness and flow in your life.

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