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Andrew Grieve - Frequency Healer, Spiritual Seeker & Workshop Facilitator 

Andrew Grieve - Transference Healing Practitioner & Teacher


Ever since I was a teenager, I have felt there was a bigger picture in life, in a spiritual sense. Even going back to my childhood and day dreaming on questions such as 'why are we here?' which would bring through such an intense feeling, which I never quite understood at the time. However, I was also very shut down as a child, suppressing my emotions and feeling scared to show my sensitive side for fear of being hurt.

I was brought up in a Christian environment which taught me the concepts such as love and forgiveness. However, whilst I resonated with some of the teachings, on another level it felt like many questions remained unanswered and that the frequency of what was being said and taught left me feeling unnourished on a soul level. I knew deep within, even as a young child that there was more to the teachings of Christ and that it wasn't to be found within my reality at that time, so I shut myself down from these experiences.

My childhood and teenage years were spent growing up in Queensland, Australia. I was fortunate to have nature right on my doorstep, frequently walking in the wooded areas nearby. Although I had shut down my sensitivity and psychic senses, I now realise that I was hugely supported by nature and the elements through the emotional ups and downs of childhood and teenage life.

Then in 2002, in my early 20’s, I was drawn to move to the United Kingdom. I had already been delving into spiritual books and healing modalities prior, but this move was a real catalyst in my journey of awakening. I was on a journey to find the true meaning of life and heal the emotional wounding of my childhood.

After learning and practising a variety of healing modalities in England for a number of years, it was then in 2010 I stepped into the amazing modality of Transference Healing. I had known of this modality for a few years prior, through a friend in Australia, and had experienced the profound energy through a number of healings. When I stepped into my first training, I realised I had finally found my calling in life, feeling a deep sense of connection to Spirit and the Universe once again.


The sacred Chalice Well in Glastonbury, Enland. It was in this magical location that Andrew completed much of his Transference Healing training.

The Awakening & the Sacred Landscape of Avalon & the British Isles

My time living in England from 2002 to 2015 was truly blessed. It was a time of intense learning, healing, reconnection to myself, and the sacredness of the land and Earth. There is so much history, myth and legend in Britain. If you take the time to stop and go within, you can attune to the land and her mysteries, and feel the dragon/ley lines of the Earth singing beneath your feet.

Over my 5 years of Transference Healing training in England, I was blessed to have such amazing support from my teacher, Rena. Much of the training took place in sacred Glastonbury, a very spiritual place attracting many truth seekers. It is also one aspect of the heart chakra of the world, with the Glastonbury Tor, rising majestically over the township.

It was through the various trainings, healings and meditation events, that I came to feel the true beauty of Nature and the Universe. To heal the emotions, Soul and free the mind. Expanding in the heart and experiencing the magic and joy of life once again. Words cannot describe the reconnection, it is something you might feel and understand in your heart, when deep within you feel the Truth of life and the inherent goodness of the Universe at your core.

Over the short space of a few years, I was fortunate to go on and train directly with Alexis Cartwright, the founder and channel of Transference Healing. Her unconditional love, and support for the graduate base is awe inspiring, and her teachings she brings through to support humanity are a rare and ancient re-awakened gift for all. I have been fortunate to attend trainings all over the world, from Australia, the UK through to the higher levels of trainings in Hawaii and Cyprus. Once you feel and experience this profound healing modality and what it can do in your life, you never look back!


Andrew - Glastonbury Tor

Visiting Glastonbury Tor - 21st December 2012 at the Galactic Alignment & shift into the 5th dimension.

This is one location of the Heart Chakra of the World.

Return to Australia


In 2015 I returned to Australia, with my beautiful partner, Lily. It is from the Gold Coast that we are now based, and I offer one on one healing sessions from our seaside location, and workshops for all those seekers on their path of self-enlightenment. I also offer distance healings worldwide, wherever you are based.


Discover how you can achieve more balance, peace, compassion, love and wisdom in your life through these teachings of the Goddess and the Feminine Principal. It is time for all of humanity, men and women to come back into a state of balance and honouring of both the feminine and masculine principals, and the spiritual truth of our existence.


I bring back the energies and teachings from the sacred Isle of Avalon, and offer you now teachings of a heart based nature. Learn how you can reconnect and open your heart, and empower your life, feeling once again the deep magic and joy of the Universe.


If these words resonate with you, then I look forward to connecting with you and being of service on your journey of re-awakening, healing, and spiritual empowerment. We are blessed to be living on Earth at this important time of human history. May you find your way back to the Light, and come to experience the Truth, Love and profound healing in your life.


Blessings, Andrew


As a Certified Transference Healing® Practitioner and Teacher, I am available for one-on-one sessions, absentee healings, training and workshops.


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Energy Healing Practitioner

Tugun, Gold Coast,

Queensland, 4224

This practice is independently owned and operated by Andrew Grieve (Ethereal Alchemy ABN: 24 297 601 989) under a license from Transference Healing® Pty Ltd  – ACN 121 645 047.


Alexis Cartwright is the anchor, channel and founder of the Transference Healing® modality.


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