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Transference Healing - 4 Day Fundamental Training

'Become an Energy/Frequency Healer & Spiritual Lightworker of the Future'

This 4 day training is the first step in your self-healing journey through the Transference Healing lineage. It contains all the alchemy within the energy, giving you the tools to energetically support yourself and your loved ones.

Learn how to channel the Transference Healing frequencies to support divine healing and ascension. Break down patterning that creates limitation, allowing manifestation and flow to become a part of your everyday reality.

True transformation comes from within. You cannot create change in your being and reality without learning to heal yourself. Self-healing creates frequency shifts within your body and consciousness, while also creating change in your reality. When you commit to your self-healing journey, you are taking the first step toward self-mastery.


The Fundamental Training is the beginning of your self-healing journey through the Transference Healing lineage and frequency. In this 4 day workshop you will learn practical energetic procedures that create alchemy in your body, and open you up to intuitive guidance.

  • Learn practical energetic procedures that empower you to heal yourself and loved ones.

  • Learn how to lift your frequency and vibration, clearing past pain and gain clarity and wisdom around your life circumstances.

  • Learn how to channel the Transference Healing frequencies to break down resistance and limitation, so you can manifest a reality in alignment with your Higher Self.

The Transference Healing Fundamental Training is an inner journey. Through the Transference Healing lineage, you are supported to go within, connect to your Higher Self, and reawaken divine gifts and talents. This 4 day training is a powerful template or tool that will support you to integrate your lightbody and align yourself with the new, evolving world. It creates an alchemical healing response, so you can sustain new levels of wellness. It also connects you to your highest spiritual potential, awakening more evolved levels of consciousness.  This profound teaching will help you tap into your multidimensional being.


The Fundamental procedures have been anchored onto the planet by Alexis Cartwright, incorporating frequencies and elements that resonate from the Earth and cosmos.  By becoming a Transference Healing Fundamental Graduate you are empowering yourself to integrate with the lightbody and ascend into the fifth dimensional Adam Kadmon body. This is the technology bestowed by Enoch.

In this 4 day Fundamental Training you will experience a profound and life-changing initiation into the Transference Healing Diamond Pyramid of Light™.  Through it, you will connect to the universe in a powerful way while being energetically templated to run a Transference Healing session.  


The fundamental procedures are the structural foundation to master as a healer so you can begin channelling the Transference Healing frequencies. Regardless of how many higher levels of Transference Healing training you may attend, you will always run the Fundamental procedures. These are the procedures that create alchemy in the physical body.

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TIP: Before sitting a Transference Healing workshop, it's always highly recommended to come and try and experience a healing session in person first.

A Profound & Life-changing Upgrade 


Over the 4 day training, you are suspended in a higher, energetically templated reality. Your host, Andrew, weaves through the Fundamental teachings with clarity, humour and wisdom to help template a higher and more pure frequency within your body & consciousness. 


This creates deep energetic, physical and emotional changes that help you to make a shift into a new and lighter vibration, while giving you the practical skills to perform a Fundamental Healing session on yourself, and loved ones when you go home. 

Andrew - Your Host
Andrew - Your Certified Transference Healing Teacher

With 22+ year's experience in the healing & spiritual arts, and 14+ year's experience in Transference Healing, his preferred and exclusive modality.

You are in experienced hands when sitting any Transference Healing workshops as Andrew has trained and sat multiple revisions over the years both with teachers in the UK/Australia, and the Founder of Transference Healing, Alexis Cartwright.

Andrew has trained up to Level 3 Mystery School within Transference Healing and it's his passion to share these powerful, profound and pure teachings with you.

Pricing and Training Details

This workshop runs over three consecutive days. The cost is $3,400       (resit $800)


Graduates are encouraged to periodically resit a revision of Fundamental Training. This is so effective because Transference frequencies are integrated step-by-step, so as you heighten your frequency and expand your consciousness you will integrate more, subsequently getting more from the training. In addition you will undergo frequency shifts, allowing you to evolve more quickly.

When you undertake Fundamental training you will receive the following inclusions:


  • A 318 page Fundamental Training Manual.


  • A set of 7 full colour Practitioners Templates and a Healing Record Template.


  • Lightbody Kit containing 77 mother tincture vibrational essences.


  • Lightbody Kit book - inclusive of colour photographs identifying all the lightbody crystals and divination charts.


  • Fundamental Training Certificate of Achievement, signed by Alexis Cartwright.


  • Fundamental/Advanced digital download; audio recording by Alexis Cartwright.

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The Transference Healing Fundamental Training includes:


  • Introduction – The Cosmic Consciousness of Christ and the new healing modality of the lightbody system.New spiritual and philosophical principles for healing.


  • Clearing and Protection/White Light Procedure – learning to clear and template a room.


  • Three Polarities of Christ Procedure – activating Christ Consciousness in healer and recipient, initiating divine healing powers.


  • Centering Inner Mind Procedure – bringing the mind into centeredness.


  • Severing Karmic Pain Procedure – severing karmic emotions, circumstances and genetic wounding.


  • Clearing Earthbound Energy Procedure – learning to clear distorted astral energies from the etheric field.


  • Triangular Diamond Doorway Procedure – working with the master etheric diamond to release energetic imbalances that restrict self-healing (physical, emotional, mental and ethereal).


  • Triangular Star Formation Procedure – aligning and balancing the electromagnetic body.


  • Earth and Magnetic Grid Alignment Procedure – aligning the etheric geometric template of the body to the Earth’s grid so the nervous system can heal, and the vertebrae and sacral system can adjust.


  • Chakra and Gland Procedures – initiating St Germain’s Violet Flame for karmic purification, releasing etheric wedges, and clearing chakras and glandular system.


  • Harmony Alignment Points Procedure – directing sound and colour into specific meeting points, allowing profound physiological shifts that release energetic imbalances from the body. Enhances the healer’s clairaudient skills.


  • Metaphysical Diamond Procedure – reaches into the seat of the soul where one heals personal wounding on a vibrational level. The body releases energetic density as the emotions evolve, creating new levels of enlightenment.


  • Feeling Vortex Procedure – releases etheric fibres that create energetic holograms, weakness and depletion in the body.


  • Grief Procedure – etherically clears the emotions of grief stored within the body and consciousness on a cellular level.


  • Master Spiritual Plane Diamond Procedure – tapping into the master template to enable self-mastery through the manifestation of gifts and talents.

  • Mental Pain Release Procedure – etherically working with the central nervous system and brain to support psychological disorders (Alzheimer’s, schizophrenia, mental stress, memory loss etc).


  • Etheric Surgery Procedures – clearing tumours and energetic imbalances.


  • Chiron Wounding Procedures – works with the Chiron Point in the body to clear Chiron wounding in our patterning.


  • Colour Bath Procedures – works with the colour spectrum on a vibrational level of the body, to purify and clear the body, and awaken the consciousness.


  • Alchemy Symbols Procedure – 23 symbols that initiate powerful shifts in the body for healing and lightbody transformation (pure alchemy).


  • Animal Magic Procedure – Shamanic healing technique that integrates the instinctual and intuitive qualities of certain animals into your psyche.


  • Four Planes of Transformation Procedure – integrating appropriate meeting points with sound, symbols, colours and etheric crystals so the body can respond and adjust with the Earth changes.


  • Crystal Cross Procedure – integrates a celestial alchemical healing process to support the integration of the lightbody through the associated elements and geometric formations of the Crystal Cross.


  • Scales of Redemption Procedure – releases self-judgement, clears vices, re-codes DNA and initiates a sense of destiny and purpose.


  • Dragon Power Procedure – refines intent, empowers Divine Will and enhances a connection to the Masters.


  • Star of David Procedure – supports the integration of the lightbody and activates the Merkabah.


  • Holding Power of Light Procedure – useful for sustaining higher levels of light, empowers you to hold your sense of self.


  • Initiation of Rays and Masters Procedure – integrating the powerful technology and wisdom of the Rays into appropriate chakras, assisting you to work with its associated Master.


  • Merkabah Procedure – mastery of lightbody travel and Merlin Magic.


  • Lightbody Kit – learn about the 77 vibrational essences in the Lightbody Kit, and how to create therapeutic essences to support each healing.

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Learn how to run Dragon Power procedure for times of initiation & empowerment of Divine Will

Important: Workshop Booking Policy & Cancellation

Click link above for important information about booking policy, cancellation and the energetic preparation processs when you book in for a Transference Healing Workshop or Training.


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