Online 10-Day Group Healing Journey
12:12 - 21:12 Gateway of Christ Transformation
A conscious 10-day journey to align you with the powerful 12/12 - 21/12 Gateway to create uplifting and Light-expansive transformation in your Being & reality.
Starting Sunday 12th December 2021
See schedule below for further details.
The 12:12 & also 21:12 group healing/meditation events can be done as stand-alone if you are unable to commit to the full 10-days
(bookings by 11th Dec, unless doing individual 21:12 event - then booking by day before)
Participation Options
12:12 'Circle of Fire' Group Healing & Meditation
'Circle of Fire' shamanic group healing
Video with feedback of the healing aspects/upgrades for the group
12:12 Channelled Meditation
21:12 Solstice Group Transference Healing & Christ Realms Meditation
1.5hr group Transference Healing session
Video feedback & channelled messages for the group
21:12 Channelled 'Christ Realms' Meditation
12:12 - 21:12 Full 10-Day Sacred Journey
Pre-event welcome & opening our sacred space
both the 12:12 & 21:12 group healing & meditation events
Daily Rituals and/or meditations delivered to your inbox
(payment plan available, please
email for details)
Pre-Event - Welcoming You into Sacred Space
Sat 11th Dec
You will receive an email link on Saturday evening inviting you to watch a short introductory video to tune into our sacred space and open your own connection to the Light & Light-Beings that will be supporting us over the 10 days.
Day 1 - 12:12 Gateway | Group Healing & Meditation
Sun 12th Dec
Andrew will be calling in all participants etherically (energetically) to receive a sacred 'Circle of Fire' shamanic healing ritual.
This Transference Healing sacred ritual calls in the shamanic powers, elements, animals & nature to create a deep cleansing and purification on all levels (physical, energetic, spiritual & emotional). Release the burdens, stress and dynamics you've experienced in 2021 - and through the last eclipse doorway so that you can feel energetically cleansed and reborn back into the Light. Receive Divine Healing, Love & support through this ritual.
Following on from this, you will receive a link to a channelled, guided meditation to connect you with the auspicious and expansive 12:12 Gateway.
Day 2 - 9 | Daily Rituals/Meditations
Mon 13th - Mon 20th Dec
Each morning, receive daily inspiration, rituals &/or meditations to help you anchor the wisdom and frequencies of the 12:12 - 21:12 Gateway, whilst consistently lifting you into higher states of frequency and connection.
You will receive short (10-15min) daily rituals and exercises that can easily fit into your day, and help you stay connected and lifted up into the higher frequencies that this Gateway provides.
Make a deeper connection with yourself at this time, feel the love and guidance from your Spiritual Guides & the Higher Lightbeings as you remember the joy and love of being in daily communion with your own heart, the God/Goddess and your Soul Self.
Day 10 - 21:12 Gateway & Solstice | Group Healing & Meditation
Tue 21st Dec
Our final day and the crowning event to create another deep healing transformation, and lift you into the blissful Christ Realms through the final channelled meditation
You will receive a full, advanced group Transference Healing session working with over 50+ healing procedures that will initiate deep alchemy & transformation in your body & consciousness. Helping to align you and anchor the Christed codes & frequencies as the Christed Masters (I am already seeing them standing in union in the higher realms) shower their unconditional love, Divine support and healing upon you.
The meditation will connect you with the powerful solstice and 21:12 Gateway which was activated through the Great Galatic Alignment precisely 9 years ago in 2012. Feel the Christed Masters lifting you into your true, Divine Essence to remind you of your magnificence and capacity for love and transformation at this time.
These group healings and online meditations are designed to create a healing and upgrade in your body & consciousness. Each grid point holds unique frequencies and elements that assist you to heal specific dimensions of your anatomy and energetic bodies, plus receive unique 'coding' from each sacred site for your spiritual growth and evolution.
The intention is to help shift your vibration in a powerful way, so that deep healing can be obtained, and re-connection to the refined, higher Realms of Light. Andrew is passionate about sharing the experiences and frequencies of the Higher Realms and showing others the way of ascension and healing. He has travelled extensively through England and Ireland, having visited all the sacred sites in person that we'll be working with. In particular, a large portion of his spiritual training in the Transference Healing lineage was completed in the sacred location of Glastonbury.
We are all Divine Beings and life is meant to be lived in a state of ease and grace. It's sometimes hard to remember and experience that in our often stressful and busy lives. Join 1 or more of these Group Healing Events and unplug from the day to day, and be suspended in a higher 5th dimensional space, connecting to the Divine!
What is a Group Healing?
It's an opportunity to receive a 5th dimensional frequency healing as part of a small soul group.​ Following the healing, channelled information is shared relevant to the group and individual healing process. Andrew utilises the 7th dimensional frequency healing modality of Transference Healing to facilitate the group healings. This creates alchemy (shifting the body and consciousness into a higher state) and works with unique Lightbody technology for the re-connection to your Spiritual Self.
You will not only receive a group frequency healing, but information and channelled wisdom is shared during the event to help you embody the frequencies brought through on the night. This includes guided meditations during the event, to help you connect and integrate the energies being brought through.
NB: When listening to the recording online, it is suggested you create a quiet and sacred space for yourself. Ensure your phone and if off and you won't be disturbed. A great way to prepare is to light a candle, and allow yourself to be in a relaxed, meditative state. You can also burn sage or use room sprays to help lift the energy in your room, prior to starting if you have these.