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12:12 Gateway 2020

Sat, 12 Dec


Online Event

Group Healing & Meditation to activate the 12:12 high-frequency codes for Lightbody/Merkabah activation and awakening Unity & Christ Consciousness within.

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12:12 Gateway 2020
12:12 Gateway 2020

Time & Location

12 Dec 2020, 7:00 pm – 8:25 pm AEST

Online Event

About the Event

The 12:12 Stargate Portal

The 12:12 Stargate Portal brings through the 12th Crystalline Golden Ray of the Universe, supporting the activation of the Merkabah field, which is our vehicle for Lightbody travel and inter-dimenionsal experience.

This year, in 2020, is especially potent as we enter a portal between 12/12 and 21/12 which ushers in the next level of 5th dimensional reality on Earth, and our new Aquarian Age. This follows immediately after/during the eclipse portal of 30-Nov to 14/15th Dec which is helping us to 'let go and reset.'


The potent numerology of this date is clear to see - 12:12:2020

2 x 1's; 4 x 2's, 2 x 0's and the date reducing to 3+3+4 = 10 = 1

Reducing down to '1' this date holds the frequencies of unity and 1-dimensional consciousness. Aspects vital for our shift into a higher, heart-based consciousness and reality which is what the 5th dimension is about.


Embracing Your Light at this Pivotal Time

By participating in this group healing and activation, you are not only supporting your own spiriutal growth and evolution, but are also helping anchor 'Light' and higher codes for greater humanity and our Earth, so that we may accelerate and anchor our new 5th dimensional Golden Age birthing upon the planet this century.

Now is the time to align with this higher reality and be a beacon and pillar of Light, supporting our fellow Beings here on Earth.


What You Will Receive 

A full, advanced Transference Healing session run on the group -

This will be done prior to the main meditation event. During this healing we will be connecting to the 12:12 Portal, the 12th Crystalline Golden Ray of the Universe and the higher Spiritual Realms. The healing will help to anchor Light-codes and frequency upgrades into your body, consciousness, DNA and cells. It will also support the re-weaving and crystallsation of your 12-strand DNA system.

This healing session also creates alchemy in the body (ability to shift into a higher vibration and come into greater alignment) plus activate your Lightbody/Merkabah, which is a higher aspect of Self that connects you to your spirituality and Higher Realms and allows inter-dimensional experience.

This healing session will be run at 12:12pm AEST as an absentee event, where I will call in all participants energetically to receive this healing and upgrade.

A video link will be provided shortly before 7pm which gives channelled feedback from the healing and delves into the key healing areas for the group and how this is relevant for you at this time.

Online alchemical meditation (attunement & activation) -

Then at 7pm you will participate in a guided alchemical mediatation designed to powerfully shift your vibration and allow you to experience a connection with the 12:12 Portal, the Spiritual Dimensions of Light and your Lightbody. The meditation is designed to lift you into the Light and experience the expanded and Higher aspects of Self for healing, activation and integration of the 12th Golden Ray & Merkabah codes available at this time. 

You will be supported to anchor your Lightbody - your body of Light and of your Divinity, so as to tap into & receive this beautiful influx of Cosmic and golden  'Christ' Light.

A link and password will be provided shortly before 7pm so that you can access the pre-recorded online meditation.​


This Event will be great for you to:

  • anchor and crystallise a higher 12-strand DNA within your body;
  • receive the 12th Golden Ray activation to support unity & Christ consciousness to birth within you;
  • activate merkabah codes to open you up to the possibility of spiritual and inter-dimensional experiences;
  • align to the 12/12 - 21/12 portal ushering in our Aquarian Golden Age;
  • expand your reality, connect to your Higher Self and Divinity, and broaden your spiritual horizons; initiate positive changes and transformation within yourself and in your reality.


Click on the booking link and you'll be taken to Paypal to complete your booking. Don't have a Paypal account? No problem. Once you're on the Paypal page, just click the 'Pay with a Card' button and you'll be able to pay with a debit/credit card without setting up a Paypal account.

You will receive an email confirmation of your booking within 24hrs.

Alternatively, if you wish to pay by bank transfer, please email me at

Thank you!​

Andrew - Ethereal Alchemy


  • 12:12 Gateway 2020 ticket

    12:12 Gateway Group Healing & Online Meditation

    Sale ended



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Energy Healing Practitioner

Tugun, Gold Coast,

Queensland, 4224

This practice is independently owned and operated by Andrew Grieve (Ethereal Alchemy ABN: 24 297 601 989) under a license from Transference Healing® Pty Ltd  – ACN 121 645 047.


Alexis Cartwright is the anchor, channel and founder of the Transference Healing® modality.


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